The bright vibrant colors inside the store made me feel like a kid again. The wide array of gelato flavors added to the color, each piled high, giving you the urge to jump inside and indulge in every flavor. The artistry of the gelato display definitely deserves an A+.
Deciding which flavors to order is never an easy task. No matter what, I always come up with a wacky combination. Good thing for me it is acceptable and with no additional charge. My dilemma, with gelato is, I can not pass up a refreshing fruit flavored gelato on a hot summer day, but on the other hand, a little chocolate never hurts.
After a strenuous decision process, I had made up my mind. I said to the patient employee, fragola and stracciatella (strawberry and chocolate chip) per favore!
Wow, Jessica was right! It definitely is at the top of my gelateria tour list. Initially I was skeptical of Blue Ice because it is a chain, but please don’t let it discourage you. I highly suggest if you ever get the chance, experience Blue Ice for yourself!
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